Sunday, June 9, 2013

chasing the sun

this beautiful girl is planning her own wedding in the near future, so we decided to take a few early shots before it is officially official...played with the early morning light and then the sun came out at the last minute and gave us some good haze to work with. we ended up in another dreamy field, surrounded by mature trees which seemed to act as a nice frame for this gorgeous girls perfect face. cant wait for it to be official, if you know what i mean...then we can dress up in a real wedding dress and play bride in an official sort of way. call me, pretty girl when its official so we can chase the sun and find some wonderful stairway to drape your dress over, along with a great rusty weathered gate to pose in front of. i know one in laguna, we might just have to take a drive next time...

Saturday, June 8, 2013

lucky boy

this newborn shoot was seriously perfect, until we tried to swaddle him tight then put him in a basket... he wasnt having any of that! so then we went to plan b, cradled in his mothers arms. he was happy and they turned out perfect. this little guy with his umbilical cord still attached was a dream to photograph. his coloring is so perfect i hardly had to retouch anything, and the soft overcast light streaming through the window was absolutely amazing. i got some great images, mainly love the ones with his mothers hands in there cradling his sweet toes and head and i might be partial to the newborn smile. i was there at the right time for that one. this is one lucky little boy, born into a loving forever family with 3 darling siblings all ready to love and play with him...what its all about really, and one day he will realize just how fortunate he is.

then i couldnt help myself...found this cute big boy playing quietly in his room, bathed in the same dreamy light...with a big smile on his face when i pointed the camera at him. 
and if baby turns out half as handsome as brother...

look out!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

cute cheeky monkeys

i cant express enough how much i love this lady and her darling family. i love her directness and her candor...her honest opinion and just the way she looks at life. i like real people, and she is one of the few. she has darling daughters...and they photograph really well. even in cowboy hats (they are moving to texas this summer, and we thought these shots might make cute moving know, the creative juices always flowing over here). i have had a hard time deciding which ones to edit (a common problem i am finding) and seem to always find another one hiding when i keep meandering around my iphoto gallery. there are still a few more i need to add to this post. i guess not a bad problem when you think about it...and did i tell you the light was perfect? well, it always is at the beach. always.